Rubber Bathmat for Ageing (Stonewashed Effect)
Costumes with stonewashed effect
With these extra strong rubber mats, costumes can very easily be aged and destroyed in the laundry dryer. The mat allows you to achieve the perfect stonewashed effect.
Old from new
T-shirts with or without print look extremely used after having been dried 2 or 3 times (it may take a little longer for high quality garments).
All cotton items (shirts, trousers, jackets) can be "broken down" with the rubber mat, but beware: holes may fray or enlarge, which sometimes is intentional (PATIN-A cannot be held responsible).
New working clothes become very soft with the bath mat and get a stonewashed look. (only with cotton, linen and cotton mix fabrics - polyester has to be tried out)
First wash, then dry for the perfect aged effect
Before being dried, the costume parts have to be humidified or washed. The best effect is obtained, if you wash the items you want to break down with half a pack of washing soda (dilute in hot water previously).
Then put the wet clothes into the drier with the rubber bath mats (usually 2) and dry with gentle cycle.
With every drying procedure the material is "broken down" more and more - sometimes it takes 6 to 8 drying procedures.
Small hints - great effect
Our hints are for household driers. Don't go to a launderette as these driers are too big and you will not get a stonewashed effect.
Make sure to fill bellow pockets with plastic bags to avoid white inverted pleats.
For a frist try, you should not use the bath mat on a fitted costume part. Use a similar costume to test the degree of aging/destroying.
High resilience, individual working
These bath mats are proved and tested and extremely resilient. They last "for ever"!
Don't use cheap imitations as, according to our experience, they may dissolve or melt in the drier and destroy it!
We have two sizes available in our product range, to enable you to work more invidually (Sizes: 76 x 34cm & 96 x 34cm).
More info and instruction video
• In our blog you will find an instruction video.
Selling unit: 1 piece
Produced / Imported by:
Sänger GmbH
Zeller Weg 30
D-74575 Schrozberg
2 reviews
25 October 2017 10:07
Coole Matte!
Der Hammer! Ich habe damit schon Shirts, Hosen, Jacken und Stofftaschen ge-aged. Jedoch Vorsicht: Klamotten können einlaufen... :-( (Tipp: eine Nummer größer als benötigt kaufen)
15 October 2017 16:40
Stonewash auch ohne Steine
Als ich das erste Mal von dieser Matte erfuhr, dachte ich mir: Das kann nicht funktionieren! Wir haben sie dann in der Vorbereitung für einen Film ausprobiert und waren echt erstaunt. Es dauert zwar seine Zeit - aber danach hatten wir eine perfekte Used-Look Jacke, Hose und mehrere Shirts! Das schafft man mit keinem anderen Hilfsmittel so leicht und billig! Bitte beachtet unbedingt: Wenig Hitze (am Besten den Trockner auf "kalt" einstellen) 2 (zwei) Gummimatten in den Trockner Wir probierten zuerst nur mit einer Matte und das funktionierte nicht! Mit zwei Matten klappt es perfekt!